We at the K300 are launching a new program this year. We'd like to keep as many of our trailmarkers as possible from littering our beautiful landscape or floating out to sea. All are invited to help us bring the markers back home to Bethel!
We will pay 10 cents for every marker returned.
The participant who brings in the most markers will receive an additional K300 prize.
K300 markers are 3' or 4' tall, 1 1/2" wide wooden stakes. They have a strip of orange paint and reflective tape on the top.
We will accept markers with the pointed end broken off - sometimes they are frozen in and breaking them is the only way to get them out. Partial markers without reflective tape will not be counted.
The contest continues until April 15th or until travel conditions become unsafe, whichever comes first.
Call or text 545-3300 with questions or to coordinate dropping off your markers.
Good luck!

Thank you, Twyla Elhardt for the awesome flyer design!