Hello mushers and mushing fans -
After careful consideration of all factors, we have regretfully decided to cancel one of the races scheduled for this weekend. We currently plan to hold one 40-50 mile race on Sunday which will mark the end of our season. The race will start on the river near the small boat harbor at 11:00 AM. There is an 8 dog limit. We will continue to monitor weather and trail conditions as well as guidance from state and federal authorities concerning public gatherings - any changes to this plan will be announced on the K300 website and social media.
There will be no musher meeting prior to the race and we urge all participants and handlers to maintain social distancing practices throughout the event. Trail details will be posted on our website and on social media late Saturday. Checks will be sent by mail on Monday.
Likewise, spectators should take precautions to maintain social distancing. We encourage folks watching the race to stay with their trucks or snow machines and avoid non-essential social contact.
The purse for this race is $29,000 to be distributed as follows:
1 - $3,300
2 - $3,050
3 - $2,850
4 - $2,650
5 - $2,450
6 - $2,300
7 - $2,050
8 - $1,850
9 - $1,650
10 - $1,500
11 - $1,350
12 - $1,200
13 - $1,050
14 - $900
15 - $850
