While trail conditions don't look promising for the coming weekend we do still hope that we will be able to proceed with plans for the 100 Mile Challenge on Saturday, March 11. The race will start on the river in Bethel at 9:00 AM.
We will continue to monitor conditions this week and will make an announcement on Thursday or early Friday as to whether the race will go on as planned or be postponed.
If we proceed with the race that announcement will also include trail details.
Race Rules:
1. The 100-mile race begins at 9:00 AM in Bethel, Alaska on Saturday March 11, 2023.
2. Racers must begin the race with no more than 8 dogs and complete the race with no fewer than 5 dogs.
3. Racers may drop dogs from their team during the race, but only at the mid-way checkpoint. Dropped dogs may not be put back in the team. The Race Committee will not provide transportation for any dropped dogs. Racers must make arrangements for transportation and care of dropped dogs.
4. Racers must sign in with the official checker at the layover checkpoint and declare how many dogs will be dropped.
5. Racers must take a mandatory 2-hour layover at the mid-way checkpoint of the race.
6. General passing rules apply. The race officials may penalize a team if this rule is violated. “No Man’s Land” will be marked by a sign about two miles from the finish line.
7. Racers must follow the marked and/or broken race trail. Leaving the marked and/or broken trail is not allowed.
8. No pacing by snow machine. There may be an official K300 snow machine pacing the field in the early part of the trail to show all teams the proper trail, and also perhaps at other points on the trail as needed.
9. Every sled must be equipped with a sled bag that can adequately and safely contain any dog who needs to be carried during the race.
10. Mushers must be a current member of the K300 to participate in this race. Membership may be purchased by sponsoring a K300 mile for $100.
11. All litter must be properly disposed of at checkpoint and may not be left along the trail.
The race purse is $20,000 distributed as follows:
