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Introducing The Delta Championship Series


As the 2022-23 mushing season approaches, the Kuskokwim 300 Race Committee is pleased to announce an exciting addition to their racing program. The Delta Championship Series is a new, season-long competition in which racing kennels will be awarded points based on their finishing position in each K300 Race Committee sponsored event (excluding the K300 and Akiak Dash). Points will be tallied throughout the winter and the kennel with the most points at the end of the season will be crowned champion.

The champion will receive a $5,000 food order from new sponsor Underdog Feeds (a Wasilla based feed store) as well as a $1,000 freight credit from Northern Air Cargo. Runners up will also receive freight credits from NAC. The Race Committee expects to announce additional prizes later as more sponsors come on board.

Six races are included in the Delta Championship Series; “The Season Opener”, “The Holiday Classic”, “The Bogus Creek 150”, “The February 50 Doubles Race”, “The 100 Mile Challenge” and “The Campout Race”. Of course, each individual race has its own purse ($60,000 for the Bogus Creek 150 and $20,000 each for the other 5 races).

A full outline of the Delta Championship Series rules, protocols and prize details can be found at

Another change for the 2022-23 season is that the “February 50” will now be a “doubles race”, with two mushers to each team. The Race Committee is excited by this addition to the race schedule and the opportunity it presents to involve less experienced and aspiring young mushers. More details on this event will be provided as it draws nearer.

If weather and trail conditions permit, racing will kick off with the “Season Opener” on Saturday, December 3rd followed by the “Holiday Classic” on Saturday, December 17th.

Photo by Katie Basile

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Kuskokwim 300

PO Box 3001

Bethel, Alaska 99559

Call us:  907-545-3300

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