A tentative schedule has been set for the remainder of the K300 Race Committee season. If weather and trail conditions allow, the annual 100 Mile Challenge will start at 9:00 AM on Saturday, March 11, with the Campout Race set for the following weekend. For the Campout Race teams will head out to the campsite on Saturday, March 18 then race back to Bethel on Sunday, March 19. Registration for both races will open in about a week.
We also want to alert local mushers to two other races that are coming up:
The Village of Tuluksak is hosting a two-day Joe DeMantle Jr. Memorial Race February 24 and 25.
The Bethel Sprint Mushers Club will host The Eddie Hoffman Classic, a two-day race of 18-20 miles, March 4 and 5. For the Sprint Club race mushers can contact John Simon with questions.
There's lot's of racing left this winter! Stay tuned for more updates!
